


the Crew

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fianlly. This unit is over. Yo.

1) I faced a few rough spots at times during the theatrical play writing experience. First off, getting an idea was tough. We didn't really have brainstorming time so finding a subject to write on was a task in it's self. Once i found an idea, i liked being able to set my own sence. It was nice having so much freedom in my writing and being able to to my own thing. Making people imagine what i was thinking is a very rewarding thing.

2) I think writing a personal essay will be good times. Finding a subject however, will again, be difficult. Some things i could write about are my first days of school, be it in elementary school, middle school, or high school. I could write about my job and how much i enjoy it. Another subject could be the search of a college to go to. But one of my more favored subject would have to be about my older brother. I would write about his influences, be it good or bad, and being able to ignore the bad ones while picking up his good attributes and habits.

3) I know it sounds cliche, but my main advice would be to just stay true to yourself and be who you would like to be. Don't let others say you cant be something and stick to what you believe it. Temptations are out there, many of your peers could and will give in, but make an individual voice heard by not following down that slippery slope. When someone says that you cant, prove them wrong. When someone challenges you, go above and beyond and prove them wrong to embarrassment.

Monday, December 10, 2007

David Reese, a Playwright: "Blogging is my passion"

1) When a play, or any work for that matter, is written, it is most talked about when people discuss it afterward. Therefore, it must convey a theme or an underlying message to be talk about. Also, a lesson learned or an evident theme is nice to have, because it makes a work easily understood. If widespread popularity isn't necessarily desired, then an expressed theme isn't required, which isn't usually the case. We read a short story last quarter about a young lady getting more attention then desired. This lead to a strong discussion about the topic and a clear understanding of what went on in the short story.

2) It is mainly the same concept as the first question. Longevity is present in writing when it attacks ideas that are present in all societies throughout time. Works that last longer than the pages they are written on are usually easily discussed and convey an important story or theme. A good story can also stand the test of time. If new generations are introduced to the work in positive ways, nothing can rid the world of that work. The idea of writing a piece of writing that would last longer then myself is an interesting idea. All it takes is one appreciative critic to spark interest.

3) Making a lasting impact on the world is one of my goals in life. There are many ways to do this be it music, writing, political stances, etc. It depends on what you are interested in. My medium for making a difference would be my actions, just to help people out when they need it. Talking to people and making their days easier is another one of my goals. I want to be successful, sure, but if i could do that while I maintain my original goals of staying down to earth and remembering my roots wold be ideal. Doing this through writing would be a tough task. I guess you could write a book about helping others and putting other people first while providing for yourself and keeping a healthy balance of this and why it is key in a happy life.

Monday, December 3, 2007

I 'Yam a Thinker

1) The main thing that concerns me if the lack or sympathy throughout our society. There is a lack of helping one another when they are in need. Excluding the establishments that are built for this good, I believe that people are mainly concerned about themselves and geared toward their own accomplishments. I think there needs to be a bigger base of people making an effort to make other's lives easier, not just focused on their own.

2) Successful people in general who give back to the community or make contributions to organizations that need money to help people are the most influential in my life. Sure, i would like to make a good amount of money; I would like to live comfortably. But those who make an effort to help people who are not as fortunate as themselves are very influential to me, and that is where i would like to land at some point in my life.

3) Inspiration is a greatly vague term. Different experiences, be it books, music, or just over all art can do very drastically different things to you. Music, to me, inspires individual and independent moments for me. To get pumped up for a basketball game i would listen to a set of "pump-up" music, but while driving long distances its not unusual for me to pop in a Dave Matthews album to relax to.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Happiness, like many emotions, is not easily explained. Usually happiness or the lack of, is what impact people's lives. To be happy is to enjoy something to a point where you are content. Happiness can fill a life and build a basis on how much you enjoy life. Happiness to me is doing the right thing. Happiness doesn't affect my life as much as it does others. Bringing others happiness is what makes me happy. Sure, a new car can make me happy but that last only for so long. There are many other things that bring deeper happiness and leave me with a sense of fulfillment, as stated above. Without trying to sounds corny, the people in my life who bring me happiness are my friends and family. Time spent without them is time wasted. People bring me more happiness than material happiness in my life. I appreciate people who see the "bigger" picture in life. Getting to the top without hurting others and making sure everyone bellow you is strong so you have a base to stand on is what i am all about. I would like to think that i impact alot of people and their happiness in a positive way. I do my best to pass on a smile or hold a door open. To affect the happiness of a third party through someone is my ultimate goal. My greatest need is social connection and acceptance. Being with a group of people is when i have the best time. That is when i am truly happy.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Photo Story Brainstorm

Assignment 8's brainstorming list:

"One at a Time" collection of photos.
A Packers game.
A concert.
Baseball Game.
Car chase.

1st Quarter Writing Reflection

1) I enjoyed the short story assignments. It was the most fun to write our own stories from scratch. I really like using my imagination to make a story as believable as possible using sensory details. I didn't like how the focus of the class was to get the most done possible, as opposed to focusing on quality. We never sat back and reflected on what we had written; it kept moving to cover as much material as possible. Never letting it soak in.

2) I think my short stories were the strongest. As a writer, i think I'm good at describing a scene that many readers can relate to. As an example, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" attacks how many people in society focus only on themselves and not others in need. I think I did a good job of portraying that.

3) I can accept both sides of a writing prompt. I do like structure, but i don't mind a broad topic either. I have learned that broad topics really get my imagination going.

4) I would like to write screenplays. Creating a conflict, then resolving it with character description as well as describing a scene would be fun. I'm a very visual learner, and along with that comes a visual writing style.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I don't mind being scared. Although, i don't get scared all that easily. I'm usually the one laughing in the back of the theater because the people getting murdered are so stupid. Maybe its just a lack of creativity by the writers because the only scary movies that get to me are the ones that could happen to me in the real world. Spiders are a fear of mine. I'm not sure where that fear came from. It was much worse in my childhood, but now i am beginning to overcome it.

I think fear stems from empathy. Horror movies scare people because the people watching the movies put themselves in the shoes of the people in the movie. For example, often times when a person is hiding from a "killer" he/she holds their breath. The same behavior occurs in the people in the audience, the viewers get just as scared. The fear of death or physical harm only apply to certain people, myself not being one.

A definition of madness would be the opposite of how the majority of the public would react in a given situation. The difference between madness in our time to Poe's is just a change in society. Today, people can be driven to madness by increasing bills, or the inability to "fit in." It didn't take much to scare people in Poe's day, so a simple story that let the reader's imagination really define exactly how "mad" the character went in this story. But in our time, it is understood that there are mental diseases that actually drive people to be insane. Before this, it was thought to the be work of the devil.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Assignment 5- Final First Lines

1) The exhaust from the bus cloaked it as it pulled up to the school. The door opened and out jumped Jimmy. His excitement rung throughout the school yard.
2) A car horn chases a flock of birds from the cover and safety of the trees. Four green courts that double as basketball and tennis courts stand in the distance. This is where many grew up.
3) He got tunnel vision as he stepped off the bus. Jimmy focused on one thing every time he arrived at school, and today was no different. But today was different in many ways.
4) His alarm clock shook him from his deep sleep. He was 10 minuets late. "NO! Not today! Any day but today!" shouted Jimmy. For today was no other day. Today was the day where he finally stood up to his fears and went for the goal he has been yearning for.
5) He sat impatiently waiting for the doctor to be finished taking his temperature. Jimmy wanted to get to school as soon as possible today. This wasn't the usual mindset of a third grader waiting to go to school, but today was different. Today is when Jimmy finally tries what he has been waiting to do.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Response to the Story "Where are you going? Where have you been?"

The setting begins with a place of freedom in the diner across from the mall. The setting then shifts so a sense of helplessness. Connie is home alone and left with little to do. This boredom eventually leads her to letting herself get into Arnold's car. We are first introduced to Connie as the stereotypical self-centered brat. This characterization not only interests the reader it also, paradoxically, makes the reader dislike Connie. She is completely self absorbed, ignoring her family and their activities. I was really drawn in to the story from the beginning because I didn't see where it was going at first. Arnold is described earlier then he is introduced. When Connie is walking out to a boy's car, she sees Arnold in his car and he makes a creepy comment. This gives the impression of his domineer right away. When he pulls up into Connie's driveway, he is described as being deceiving and discussing. The strange thing about him is that he is not forceful. He is somewhat genuine and kind of nice about the whole thing, not forcing anything. He only threatens once when saying that he will come in if she calls the police. I think Joyce Carol Oates is trying to say that some people are not to be trusted. Don't necessarily judge a book by its cover, but don't ignore it either.

Important aspects of a short story;
1) Interest from the begging
2) Strong descriptions of characters
3) Appeals to a large audience
4) A strong climax
5) A hook
6) A variety of characters
7) Plot twists
8) A sense of empathy
9) An ending that can be thought out by the reader
10) Plots that relate to real life experiences

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My 2 Strongest Poems

by David Reese

A final resting place.
For this war, i didn't want to face.
Bodies surround; to the right, behind and straight ahead.
One, to the left, full of burning lead.

For this war i did not stand. But,
now I cannot stand at all.
Some say "rest in peace," but my peace
is when this war is in it's resting place.

Mouth fills with nearly simmering salty liquid.
Heart steadily slowing.
Hands cramping.
But with this, no pain.

For tonight, my time line is at it's end.

The Purpose of Points
by David Reese

Everything starts with a point.
Even this poem, with this point I'm making.

Points together make a line.
Lines form shapes.
Life also starts with a point.

There's a point in life where you can go no further,
then someone makes a point to help.

A point can be vague or punctual.
You can make a punctual point to be present.

The sharp point of a pin can hurt, while
the same sharp point of a needle can cure
Everything beings and ends with a point.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Work that Changed a Life

The piece of writing that i brought to class today is a copy of The Hardy Boys series. It wasn't exactly that specific work that changed me, it was the night after night stories that were read to me by my mom. The array of books she read to me included the Goosebumps series along with The Hardy Boys. She would spend hours sitting in my room reading aloud to my brother and I.

I believe the imagination it took to put me in those sittuations the characters faced led me to my writing. In The Hardy Boys i would try to solve the mysteries along with the brothers. The first book of the series is called The Tower Treasure, it was the first i read and the most memorable. The first line of the book is what first struck me. Right away i was thrown into the adventure and realized i would be putting myself in their situation throughout the series with, "Frank and Joe Hardy clutched the grips of their motorcycles and stared in horror at the oncoming car. It was careening from side to side on the narrow road." (p. 1) This got the excitement going for me right away.


In a paragraph describe the most vivid and early memory book has given you. Also, describe the mood and setting.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Da Greatest Blog Ever

My name is David and i like to write in many different ways. All areas of writing interests me. In the next few months i hope to improve my brainstorming abilities and overall creativity. One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost. He uses symbolism along with creative word choice to create a vivid image.

My first Creative Writing Poem:

Balance by David R.

Trapise artists have it easy;
Holding a physical balance while we hold
Many balances that can affect many more lives.
To trade place would be a dream,
for my balance is much more extreem.

Atop the clouds he may stand,
while on the earth's crust is where I land.
It takes a strong and steady hand
to saty true.

Don't be troubled, your not alone
there are many more masses just like us
who need no help to keep that precious balance.
So lend your hand to one in need.
You can be that steady pace
who keeps the world in it's place.