


the Crew

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Da Greatest Blog Ever

My name is David and i like to write in many different ways. All areas of writing interests me. In the next few months i hope to improve my brainstorming abilities and overall creativity. One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost. He uses symbolism along with creative word choice to create a vivid image.

My first Creative Writing Poem:

Balance by David R.

Trapise artists have it easy;
Holding a physical balance while we hold
Many balances that can affect many more lives.
To trade place would be a dream,
for my balance is much more extreem.

Atop the clouds he may stand,
while on the earth's crust is where I land.
It takes a strong and steady hand
to saty true.

Don't be troubled, your not alone
there are many more masses just like us
who need no help to keep that precious balance.
So lend your hand to one in need.
You can be that steady pace
who keeps the world in it's place.

1 comment:

a common woman said...

Looking forward to reading more of your writing, David R. Glad to have found your blog.