


the Crew

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My 2 Strongest Poems

by David Reese

A final resting place.
For this war, i didn't want to face.
Bodies surround; to the right, behind and straight ahead.
One, to the left, full of burning lead.

For this war i did not stand. But,
now I cannot stand at all.
Some say "rest in peace," but my peace
is when this war is in it's resting place.

Mouth fills with nearly simmering salty liquid.
Heart steadily slowing.
Hands cramping.
But with this, no pain.

For tonight, my time line is at it's end.

The Purpose of Points
by David Reese

Everything starts with a point.
Even this poem, with this point I'm making.

Points together make a line.
Lines form shapes.
Life also starts with a point.

There's a point in life where you can go no further,
then someone makes a point to help.

A point can be vague or punctual.
You can make a punctual point to be present.

The sharp point of a pin can hurt, while
the same sharp point of a needle can cure
Everything beings and ends with a point.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Work that Changed a Life

The piece of writing that i brought to class today is a copy of The Hardy Boys series. It wasn't exactly that specific work that changed me, it was the night after night stories that were read to me by my mom. The array of books she read to me included the Goosebumps series along with The Hardy Boys. She would spend hours sitting in my room reading aloud to my brother and I.

I believe the imagination it took to put me in those sittuations the characters faced led me to my writing. In The Hardy Boys i would try to solve the mysteries along with the brothers. The first book of the series is called The Tower Treasure, it was the first i read and the most memorable. The first line of the book is what first struck me. Right away i was thrown into the adventure and realized i would be putting myself in their situation throughout the series with, "Frank and Joe Hardy clutched the grips of their motorcycles and stared in horror at the oncoming car. It was careening from side to side on the narrow road." (p. 1) This got the excitement going for me right away.


In a paragraph describe the most vivid and early memory book has given you. Also, describe the mood and setting.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Da Greatest Blog Ever

My name is David and i like to write in many different ways. All areas of writing interests me. In the next few months i hope to improve my brainstorming abilities and overall creativity. One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost. He uses symbolism along with creative word choice to create a vivid image.

My first Creative Writing Poem:

Balance by David R.

Trapise artists have it easy;
Holding a physical balance while we hold
Many balances that can affect many more lives.
To trade place would be a dream,
for my balance is much more extreem.

Atop the clouds he may stand,
while on the earth's crust is where I land.
It takes a strong and steady hand
to saty true.

Don't be troubled, your not alone
there are many more masses just like us
who need no help to keep that precious balance.
So lend your hand to one in need.
You can be that steady pace
who keeps the world in it's place.